Our cooperative today

« We are constantly adapting and reinventing ourselves but without ever denying our roots. »

The wine-growing culture on which their wines are based is the fruit of a close collaboration between the wine growers and the technicians at the Cave des Hautes-Côtes, all of whom share a passion for vines and wine. This is where value is added to the work that has been carried out on the ground, the grass and in the fight against pests and diseases, with respect for the environment as well as for people.

Their objective is to patiently craft the wines that will become the ambassadors for their region. This ambition requires close attention to detail in their work.

Identifying the optimum maturity of the grapes for each climate in particular is no easy task when it comes to organising the harvest, but it’s the price they have to pay. The vinification process is quite simply at the service of the grapes. The process must be attentive, gentle and patient, involving equipment and people united in a single ambition – to reveal the full potential of each vineyard and each vintage.

Men, women, wine growers, cellar masters, production workers, administrative and sales staff …. They all work on a daily basis, sharing the same spirit and the same desire to respect these values that are the very foundation of their livelihoods.

But they are also firmly committed and creative, allowing them to adapt and reinvent themselves constantly without ever denying their roots.

Key figures

  • 428 ha

  • 80 members
    27 employees


  • 29% for export

  • 22 000 million litres/year
    85% Hautes-Côtes
    15% Côtes de Beaune
    and Côtes de Nuit

  • 2017 TURNOVER:


  • — 1957 —

    Foundation of the
    Rosé d'Orches
    cooperative wine cellar

  • — 1961 —

    Authorisation of the “appellations” (designations of origin) Bourgogne Hautes-Côtes de Nuits and Bourgogne Hautes-Côtes de Beaune

  • — 1964 —

    The Cave du Rosé d’Orche expands and is renamed the Cave des Hautes-Côtes

  • — 1968 —

    Construction of the new wine cellar on the outskirts of Beaune.

  • — 1977 —

    Creation of the first sales outlet

  • — 2001 —

    Last merger with the Caves de Vervelles, leading to the Cave des Hautes-Côtes becoming the only group of producers in the Côte d’Or region